Eyes are an important element of beauty in most cultures. The harmony of the eyelids with the eyes, eyebrows and other facial structures allows the emergence of different facial characters and the individuality of the person. It is possible to roughly estimate the age of a face just by looking around the eye. Therefore, it undergoes changes in parallel with the forehead, eyebrows, and mid-face area over time. These changes are accelerated by genetic predisposition, environmental factors (time of exposure to the sun, smoking and alcohol use, air pollution, etc.) and sleep disorders triggered by excessive fatigue and stress.

The changes that occur in the whole body skin with aging and gravity also affect the eyelids. These effects occur with gravity and are accelerated by genetic predisposition and environmental factors.

Even if the patient comes because she/he wants to have eyelid surgery, the forehead and eyebrows for the upper eyelids and the middle face (including the cheekbones and cheek fat pad) for the lower eyelids should be evaluated together. It is not possible to obtain good results with valve surgeries performed without evaluating these neighboring regions.

Preoperative evaluations are important. Visual field, visual acuity, bell phenomenon (upturning of the eyeballs as a protective reflex when trying to open the eyes with closed eyes), presence of additional ptosis should be investigated. Again, dry eye syndrome, laxity of the lower lid (necessity of additional cantoplasty or cantopexy) should be evaluated.

If it is to be operated with only the upper eyelid and a limited intervention, local anesthesia is sufficient. However, if the lower-upper eyelid and brow-mid face are to be added, general anesthesia is more suitable.

Removal and/or fat injection are planned according to skin and muscle excess or fat deficiency-excess. For the upper eyelid, eyebrows and for the lower eyelids, the middle face can be added depending on the situation. While classical blepharoplasty is mostly based on fat and skin removal, in the modern understanding, atrophic fat is replaced and it remains conservative in fat removal. Removing fat in each patient may cause the eyeballs to collapse in and cause an old appearance in some.

The duration of the operation is 2-3 hours. The incisions are hidden on the upper lid fold and under the eyelashes below. The area around the eyes is the area that has the least traces and heals the fastest (on the lower lid, the stitches can be removed in 3 days – there is no other area where stitches are removed during this period). Stitches on the upper lid are removed on the 5th day. You can take a bath after 48 hours.

There may be swelling and bruising in the postoperative period. These complaints can be reduced with cold application for the first few days and then with bruise removal creams. Sleeping with a high pillow for a few weeks will reduce the swelling in a shorter time. Pain relievers are used for the first few days, but antibiotics are not needed.

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