The face is the region that is at the forefront of communication and transmits emotions to the opposite side. The present expression on the face carries a message, even if it is not speech. A tired face, sleepless face, angry eyes, pale skin, confused looks are the unpleasant forms of this expression. Because change is slow, we notice aging on our faces, either with the warning of our partner or friend, or when looking at old photos.

With age, two main problems arise on the face: loss of volume and sagging. Thinning of the skin, wrinkles and sun damage are added to this. It is possible to partially reverse the change with fine planning. While doing this, our most important weapon is the adipose tissue, which is usually abundant in the body of the person.

Fat tissue is advantageous in that it is an easily obtainable and low-cost material. Its volume effect and its regenerative (regenerative) and rejuvenative (rejuvenating) effects are in the foreground. On the other hand, it normalizes the pigment changes in the skin, increases skin elasticity and scar quality.

It is possible to see the volumizing effect immediately after its application. However, since it is a graft, that is, it needs to be integrated with body tissues again, it dissolves a little over time. The remaining 20 to 40% of fat remains, that is, it retains and becomes a part of the body. It is possible to increase this effect with a second session at the earliest 3 months later. The volume reinforcement made to critical areas on the face will have a lift (hanging) effect and will largely reverse the sagging. At the same time, it will also cause the reduction of wrinkles by pushing the skin from below.

After a period of 8 to 9 months, the stem cells, which are abundant in it, multiply and turn into fat cells or fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen, the main raw material of the skin-subcutaneous tissue), and a regenerative and rejuvenative effect occurs. The reflection of this situation is the reduction of shine, rejuvenation and staining on the skin.

Although it has the features required for injection in the lower abdomen and inside of the thigh, fat can be removed from many other areas. The extracted fat can be large particles (macrofat), small particles (microfat), or particle-free (nanofat). If it is taken with a large hole cannula, the name of the oil obtained is macro or millifat, if it is taken with a 1mm hole diameter cannula, it is called microfat. If the microfat is processed and liquefied, we are preparing a nanofat graft. Since macrofat contains fat cells with large particles, it is appropriate to give it to deep places such as on the bone. It is very useful for adding volume to the cheekbones or midface. Again, dramatic change is achieved by restoring the contour of the lower jaw and injecting it deep into the nose wings. Macrofat fat graft is the type that creates the most volume effect. Since it is given deeply, its rejuvenating effect on the skin is limited. It contains a high percentage of stem cells and is useful in the regeneration of deep tissues. Microfat fat graft has small particles due to the extraction technique and can be transferred to a more superficial level such as subcutaneous tissue. The volume effect is not as much as macrofat, but with the advantage of small particles, it does not clump on the skin. It also contains a high level of stem cells. These stem cells also regenerate and rejuvenate the skin after 8-9 months. It is a very useful form of oil, especially in the wrinkles in the detention groove, eyebrow tail, nasolabial region and the corners of the mouth. Again with macrofat, it can be given to the middle level for the clarification of the cheekbones. The nanofat graft, which has been used in recent years and has been liquefied and contains burst fat cells, is used only for its rejuvenating and regenerative effect, as it contains stem cells. Since it does not contain fat cells and is in liquid form, it can even be applied to the thin skin under custody. There is no volume effect.

Although at low rates, agglomeration, palpable lump or nodule, delay in the reduction of surgical swelling, and infection of non-retaining fat may occur.

Ultimately, fat grafting is a very useful weapon for facial rejuvenation and reversing sagging. Although it has advantages such as being taken from its own body and cheap cost, it has disadvantages such as requiring more than one session. In recent years, there have been many promising studies on fat transfers for the future.

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